Zero Risk Bias is it influencing you?

Zero Risk Bias

This article is about the concept of zero risk bias, why it can get you stuck in life, and why a better understanding of this concept is a real necessity.

Some people only do things if there is no risk to them at all, even if the actual risk to them is slight, and often they would rather put up with what they have got rather than strive for something new. This effect is a cognitive bias called the zero-risk bias.

Some people want everything guaranteed 100 percent before they even start, well I can’t guarantee what is going to happen in your life after you read one of our books or take one of our courses, but what I can guarantee is that if you want something new in your life there are things you will need to do change and there is always a risk.

But if all you are prepared to do all day is to sit in your bedroom wishing your life will get better this course is not for you, instead, our courses are for people who want to make their life better by getting out, taking action, and also making things happen too.

The risk of anything is never zero.

If you do decide to take on life by the scruff of the neck, if you really push yourself outside your comfort zone you will also start to grow into that new life too. At these times there will be less certainty, there may be more unknowns, and there might even be a totally different type of stress and problems, there is no doubt in my mind that that hidden in the new problems you face is the catalyst needed for your self-growth needed to get the life you want.

If you’re on a journey of self-development or if you’re new to cognitive biases then there’s no better cognitive bias to introduce you to first than zero-risk bias. Remember the risk of anything is never zero, yet also consider this that absolute safety is also a myth too.

So if you think it’s safe to retreat back into the certainty of your four walls with a head full of worries and regret then do so. I’d say that this is by far the riskier alternative than taking the path you’ve never travelled on before.

As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained, you could be bold, take that next step and join others like you on a journey and sign up to one of our courses.

What is the risk if you do nothing, what wouldn’t happen if you didn’t do what you need to do, and what would happen if you really did it. Remember the risk is never zero, there is no safety in doing nothing, and maybe doing the right thing is what you need to do, if you are ever going to get what you want.

Zero Risk Bias is one of the lessons taken from our Foundation Course, to Find out more about this course follow this link.

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