We are experts at helping you change

Because we know exactly how people hold themselves back, why they repeatedly make poor decisions, and what gets them stuck in their lives.

See the Difference

Looking to finally break free from the mental obstacles that have been holding you back? Look no further than our revolutionary courses. Our team of award-winning experts have decades of experience working with real people, just like you, who are looking to transform their lives for the better.

Our cutting-edge approach combines the latest in Behavioural Change Technology with the very best counselling and coaching techniques available today. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve even created our own innovative methods to tackle common problems that other coaching programs overlook.

With years of research, practice, and dedication behind us, we know what really works when it comes to helping you make lasting changes. Get ready to take control of your life and start living the way you’ve always wanted to. Join us today and see the difference for yourself!

woman wearing black bra and white tank top raising both hands on top

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide free tools and resources that empower individuals to improve their lives and achieve their goals.

We strive to reach and assist as many people as possible, regardless of their background or circumstances, and to continuously improve our offerings based on feedback and emerging needs. 

Our ultimate goal is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our users and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive world.

Our target audience are people who feel stuck in their lives, who are facing difficult challenges and struggling to find a way out. They may feel like they've tried everything and nothing seems to work, or they may feel like they don't have the resources or support they need to make a change.

It's really down to you

When it comes to investing in a coaching course or working with a coach, it’s easy to get caught up in the price tag. 

But the truth is, the value of a coaching experience goes far beyond the cost. What really matters is the quality of the coaching material and how much effort you’re willing to put in. 

You can spend a fortune on a course or coach, but if you’re not fully engaged and committed to the process, it just won’t make a difference. On the other hand, even our free courses and articles can be life-changing if you approach them with an open mind and a willingness to do the work.

Ultimately, the most important factor in any coaching experience is your own effort and commitment because it’s really down to you.

Why we do it

In the past, we used to sell our courses online, but we found that the premiums we charged just didn’t align with our mission to help as many people as possible. As award-winning coaches and clinicians, we’re already busy enough with our paid consulting and consultancy roles, working one-on-one with people who are committed to making real change in their lives.

We realised that we wanted to find a way to reach even more people and make our coaching tools and techniques more accessible. That’s why we made the decision to give away our courses and tools for free. 

We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality coaching and that together, we can help create positive change in the world.

Buy Me a Coffee

All this for a small token of your thanks

We use Buy Me A Coffee as a way for people to show their gratitude and support for our mission to make high-quality coaching tools and techniques free and accessible to as many people as possible.

How you can Help us to help you

We use Buy Me A Coffee as a way for people to show their gratitude and support for our mission to make high-quality coaching tools and techniques accessible to as many people as possible.

It’s a crowdfunding app that allows individuals to make small contributions to support the creators they appreciate.

By using this platform, we’re able to receive small donations from individuals who have found value in our coaching tools and techniques.

This helps us to continue our work and expand our reach to help even more people. We believe that every small gesture of support can make a big difference and that together, we can help create positive change in the world.

Explore our extensive range of free Articles

We’ve decided to give it all away… every blog, article, course and life-changing tool we’ve ever written… 

How we help you to think better

This is a short article introducing you to why it’s important to improve your thinking and the approach we use to get you to think better

Zero Risk Bias

Zero Risk Bias is it influencing you?

This article is about the concept of zero risk bias, why it can get you stuck in life, and why a better understanding of this concept is a real necessity.

10 Habits of Highly Miserable People

Even if the sun was shining and life was just great, we all know somebody who would still be miserable, this article highlights the top 10 traits or habits that miserable people have that only work to compound their misery

Buy Me a Coffee

All we want is a small token of your thanks

We use Buy Me A Coffee as a way for people to show their gratitude and support for our mission to make high-quality coaching tools and techniques free and accessible to as many people as possible.

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