Our Coaching Techniques and Life-Changing Technology

This article tells you a little bit more about the coaching techniques and the life-changing technology that we use in our courses and our coaching sessions, basically you can think of our courses; as an essential resource for life, as a guide, or as your own personal coach, but no matter, there’s one common thread in that the courses have all been written to help you whoever you are and whatever your problem is.

Our courses are designed to take you on a journey

Be it one of discovery, about yourself, about how you see the world, and about what you can do to get more out of the life you live.

We will try and guide you through some of the common problems you will face and where and how the wrong mental mindset or thinking traits will inevitably lead you astray using examples gained from years and years of consultations with real people with real problems.

I’m going to help you to fill in a few of the gaps in your knowledge, alert you to the common Cognitive Biases (or ways of poor thinking) that are holding you back, whilst also introducing you to some Success Heuristics (or better mental habits) that will help you get better outcomes in the problems that life throws at you.

We also use a coaching methodology because using coaching is a great way to structure this process of how to help get you to where you want to be.

Coaching in it’s simplest form is helping you to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Traditionally at the highest levels in both sport and business, it’s now accepted that coaching helps you to play to your strengths, perform to the best of your abilities, and to be the best you can be. Whilst a more formal definition is that coaching can be used to help you or the organisation you work to succeed by unlocking the capabilities within.

I’m a GP, I’m a medical doctor, but I’m also an award winning Master Coach, and I’ve spent at least 40 thousand hours using coaching techniques to augment the benefit of the many, many medical consultations I have every day. Some of the coaching techniques I use are also used by fellow coaches who work with top CEOs and our top athletes around the world, and if you decide to take one of our courses, I will be asking you some very difficult questions to get you to unlock your own potential because what coaching also does is that it gets you to start thinking a bit differently, it helps you to get clarity on not just your goals but also the things you need to do in your life to achieve them.

Hopefully the questions I ask at the end of each lesson will resonate with you, they are there for you to answer to take a few minutes, a few days, or as long as you need until you come up with the answers you need that will help you to move on.

Coaching gets people to ask questions of themselves because sometimes the answers you need really need to come from you.

Our courses help you to see real solutions and give clarity to some of the problems you are facing in life, we also mix the coaching with a little bit of gentle therapy too so that you can also leave behind a few of the things you really don’t need as you move forward on your journey.

Cognitive Biases and Success Heuristics

Maybe the first thing you need to do to get over a problem in your life is to be aware that the problem exists, this course will open your eyes to types of thinking that may be causing you to fail or fall short when others seem to be succeeding. Simply put the way a person thinks can hold them back, our aim is to help you to repair some of your thinking patterns that have been proven not to help and worse get you stuck in life, this process is something called Cognitive Debiasing. Each less helps you to get rid of a way of thinking (or a cognitive bias) that could be holding you back.

If you’ve ever had that penny drop moment when everything just seems clear for the first time and you know exactly what to do, well that’s probably a bit of cognitive debiasing happening in your head at that moment. It’s a bit like how you can suddenly see the solution whereas before, you may have been mentally held back by poor ways of thinking about that problem and unable to see a way out.

Each of our lessons in our courses and most of the articles we post on this website concentrate on a way that a person with a common problem could improve their thinking to find a solution. The content in each lesson is structured and ordered in a way that’ll help you build on the problem you’ve fixed in the previous lesson, in the most logical way that most people need.

My hope is that throughout this course you’ll have some real moments of clarity.

I don’t know individually what you need to work on, I just know what most people need to work on, so if something seems obvious fair enough, but I’ll guarantee that give the courses a bit of time, apply yourself to some of the exercises, and you’re gonna see a few things quite differently than you do now. These things are going to have a major effect on how you approach your life in many different ways.

Being successful is not all about what’s wrong; it’s also about playing to your strengths and also doing what’s right. A lot of the examples and chapters in this book also give examples of patterns of thinking I call success heuristics which are good mental short cuts and the good thinking habits that I’ve seen people use to succeed. Some of the content, therefore, focuses on these good ways of thinking that can help you to perform better than before and better than the rest.

Counselling and Coaching Combined

I’m going to admit I’ve also pinched some of the best techniques used by therapists and psychologists all over the world, but I’ve only pinched the ones that work. We use a holistic approach to helping you change because there’s a really big overlap between therapy, counselling, and coaching.

The Cognitive Debiasing and Success Heuristic technology can be mapped across some of the original elements of CBT and the newer elements of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). I’m not hindered by which line of therapy or psychology a technique has come from, nor am I restricted to one particular type of therapy either, generally, I just want to use something that really works to help you fix that problem you really need to fix.

There are some people who need a degree of therapy to ‘solve their problems by psychological means’, others may need a bit of coaching to help them figure out how to get to where they want to get to, whilst most of us need a bit of both.

Too often, a therapist tries to counsel a person when coaching is needed dragging them back into their past when all they want is to move forward. Alternatively, a coach may try to coach a person forward when all they really need is some therapy to let go of their past that’s holding them back.

It’s often just Common Sense

All our courses really do is to get you to step back, learn, then apply a bit more common sense in your life.

Actually, we will go into the subject of common sense a little bit later in our foundation courses, but let me just say this, for now, that a lot of common sense is just about doing the obvious. Yet the problem for people who get influenced by cognitive biases and stuck in poor ways of thinking is that they don’t always see or do the obvious and common sense just doesn’t apply anymore, and this is precisely where we can help.

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